PinnedWhat It’s Like To (Finally) Get Medicated for ADHD.After going undiagnosed for most of my life, I finally got confirmation at 25, that I was indeed suffering from ADHD. I was hesitant to get…Sep 12, 202210Sep 12, 202210
PinnedEverything Is Always Working Out for Me.Affirmations are (in my completely biased opinion) the best and easiest way to change your life. It’s true in a matter of science. It’s…Jul 3, 20224Jul 3, 20224
The World Wasn’t Built for You.Being neurodivergent is hard. The world wasn’t built for you. Things that seem so easy to everyone else is so much harder for you even when…Oct 23, 2024Oct 23, 2024
What It’s Like Reading Game of Thrones.Every is bad, you’re not really rooting for anyone, and you’re always a little stressed.Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
4 Easy Financial Tips for Someone Who’s Struggling.Just like everything in life, it starts with a mindset shift.Sep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
Strattera VS. Adderall for ADHDAbout a year ago I wrote an article about how I had just gotten medicated for my ADHD for the first time in my life and how it was going…Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
Being Hard On Yourself Gets You Nowhere.As long as you keep on chasing and waiting for you life to change or waiting for your manifestations to come in before you decide that you…Aug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023
What Does “Being in Receiver Energy” Look Like?You’ve asked the Universe for help, but you’re not willing to accept it?Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023
3 Ways to Help you Budget when you Have ADHD.The world just functions at a different frequency for us ADHD-havers. Our condition, quite literally makes doing the basic tasks needed for…Apr 23, 2023Apr 23, 2023